Nancy took her first weaving class in Norway in 1968 while attending summer school at the University of Oslo. She returned to Norway in 2005 for a textile study tour. Her aunt and mentor, Marie Nodland, was an accomplished weaver who was a great inspiration. The weavings that Nancy inherited from her aunt continue to be shown in classes to inspire Nancy’s students.

Nancy was interviewed by Nordic Folk Life, University of Wisconsin-Madison, before the pandemic and the resulting article can be found on the TRAVELING TRADITIONS: NORDIC FOLK ARTS IN THE UPPER MIDWEST. As one of the featured folk artists in their project, Nancy shares her range of artistry and love of passing on skills to new artists.

The Shetland, Icelandic and Gotland sheep in the flock provide wool for Nancy’s spinning as well as for her daughter Elsa, who does needle felted sculptures. Grandchildren chose names for the sheep who are as much a part of the family as the cats and dogs. Lambs are not raised for sale. The ewes (females) and wethers (neutered males) enjoy green pastures and grow wool all their lives.

You can find both new and old equipment at the Ellison Sheep Farm. Nancy has an excellent selection of older and antique wheels and looms for sale. She is also willing to consult regarding the usefulness of your cherished equipment past down through your family.
Classes and Presentation

Nancy is an expert teacher, well-known in the Midwest. Phone her to arrange individual instruction or group presentation in Traditional Scandinavian Weaving Techniques, Norwegian Cradle Loom Weavings, Rigid Heddle Weaving, Band Weaving, Tapestry Weaving, Warp Weighted Loom Weaving, Weaving on Antique Counter Balanced Looms, Beginning Spinning, Intermediate Spinning, Advanced Spinning and Traditional Scandinavian Felting. Nancy also gives slide presentations of a textile tour to Norway which visited museums, weavers and sheep farms. Classes can be taught at the Studio at The Ellison Sheep Farm OR Elsewhere. Call for a current schedule of classes and class locations.